Self-Direction Services Workshop
Jul 17, 2020 Ken Siri, self-direction broker, author and Autism advocate, and Cayle White, 14Y Benefits Coordinator, provide a free virtual Q&A for individuals and families who have questions about navigating New York State's Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD).
Ken provides an informative presentation that will leave attendees knowing what to expect when applying for services and managing them.
Many individuals and families have challenges understanding the bureaucratic maze known as The Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD), the New York State agency responsible for the oversight of services such as the Medicaid waiver and Self-Direction, as well as others. Although it may seem quite obvious that you or your child are entitled to services via OPWDD, getting through the often lengthy and complex process is the catch.
Self-direction gives people with disabilities the chance to choose their own services and types of support through OPWDD. When services are self-directed, people with disabilities have more control over how they want to structure their lives.
This event relevant to families and individuals with physical and intellectual disabilities of any age. The disability needs to have existed prior to age 22.
This event was co-sponsored with the Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan.